The Project hosted a seminar on sustainability reporting regulation

The Project hosted a seminar on sustainability reporting regulation

The Project Account4GreenEco, in collaboration with the University of Burgos Master on Sustainability Reporting and Assurance, organized a seminar on “Sustainability reporting regulation: challenges for companies”, on May 31, 2024, in the Faculty of Business and Economics. The invited speaker was José María López Jiménez, director of ESG strategy at Unicaja and lecturer on Law at the University of Malaga.

José María López covered the main EU regulations that require companies to publish sustainability information and reflect on their main implications in terms of the workflow and internal restructuring that organizations must adopt to comply with sustainability reporting mandates. The speaker also underscored the need for graduate and postgraduate training to ensure the availability of a significant pool of professionals capable of supporting firms in producing sustainability information.

This event allowed participants, mostly students and lecturers, to solve their doubts about how companies are dealing with the increasingly intricate sustainability reporting landscape being rolled out by the European Union.

Account4GreenEco’s Project Coordination Meeting 2

Account4GreenEco’s Project Coordination Meeting 2

The Project organized its Second Project Coordination Meeting (PCM2), on May 24, 2024, hosted by the partner Gestionet, in Bilbao.

In this Second Project Coordination Meeting, the project members had fruitful discussion to discuss and set the next steps to finalize and implement the second training module on the platform, as well as to organize the Second Teaching Activity with students to be held at the University of Leuphana (Lüneburg, Germany), from November 5 to 8, 202. Six students from each of the four universities that are part of Account4GreenEco will participate in this activity, funded by the project.

The meeting also allowed to have useful exchanges to establish the guidelines to design and deploy the engagement strategy with relevant stakeholders to enhance the dissemination and impact of the project results. This is key for our Project as we aim to create awareness on the relevance of improving sustainability accounting training and the promote the use of the platform we are producing for that endeavour.

Additionally, we also had the opportunity to assess the overall management of the project to ensure that we are on the correct path towards achieving our objectives.

The Erasmus+ Account4GreenEco Project (Sustainability Accounting Learning Platform for a Green Economy) is co-funded by the European Union within the Erasmus+ Programme (Ref. 2022-1-ES01-KA220-HED-000089844).


Account4GreenEco shared its pedagocial approach at an international teaching innovation seminar organized by CSEAR

Account4GreenEco shared its pedagocial approach at an international teaching innovation seminar organized by CSEAR

The “Sustainability Accounting Learning Platform for a Green Economy” (Account4GreenEco) project has been invited to give a seminar on teaching innovation organized by the Education Community of Practice (ECoP) of the Centre for Social and Environmental Accounting Research (CSEAR) of the University of St. Andrews (UK). The seminar’s aim was to discuss the pedagogical approach underpinning the project’s online training platform, which is based on the integration of active learning, self-directed learning, and gamification.

During the seminar, which took place on April 11, 2024, via Zoom, this approach was reflected upon from a multi-stakeholder approachTogether with Nicolás García Torea, coordinator of the project, other actors who collaborate in the design, development and validation of the training platform, also shared their views. On the one hand, David Curbelo, sustainability reporting consultant and member of DIRSE – Spanish Association of Sustainability Managers, the project’s associated partner, participated on behalf of the professionals who review and provide feedback on the learning materials. On the other hand, two students selected to attend the project’s first Teaching Activity, organized in Trento in October 2023, also participated in the event. These students were Anna Martinato from the University of Trento (Italy) and Mario Gómez from the University of Burgos (Spain), 

CSEAR is the leading international academic association in the field of sustainability reporting. Its goal is to mobilize the accounting academia to enable a more sustainable societythrough the promotion of relevant high-impact research in this field, as well as quality teaching and external engagement with practice.

The project organises its Teachin Activity 1 in Trento (Italy)

The project organises its Teachin Activity 1 in Trento (Italy)

Twenty-two students from the four higher education institutions of the partnership had the opportunity to participate in the Teaching Activity 1, hosted by the project partner Università degli Studi di Trento, in Trento (Italy) from October 24 to October 26, 2023.

During the teaching activity, the students tested the first of the three modules that will be integrated into the platform to improve their knowledge of sustainability accounting and validate the training materials that populate the online learning environment. The selected students also attended seminars given by internationally recognised academics in the field of accounting and sustainability, such as Prof. Lee Parker (University of Glasgow), Prof. Stefan Schaltegger (University of Leuphana) and Prof. Carlos Larrinaga (University of Burgos).

Additionally, the students could develop their skills in an international environment in which they interact with their peers from the four academic partners: Montpellier Business School (France), University of Burgos (Spain), University of Leuphana (Germany) and Università degli Studi di Trento (Italy).

After completing this activity, the project begins the second phase of the development of the learning platform by integrating the feedback gathered from students and designing the second module. The result of this phase will be tested in the Teaching Activity 2 of the project, which will be organised in Lüneburg (Germany) in September 2024. During the spring of 2024, the selection process will be launched to select the students who will participate in the activity financed by the project.

The Account4GreenEco Project holds its First Coordination Meeting in France.

The Account4GreenEco Project holds its First Coordination Meeting in France.

The Erasmus+ Project Account4GreenEco (Sustainability Accounting Learning Platform for a Green Economy, Ref. 2022-1-ES01-KA220-HED-000089844) has held its First Coordination Meeting in Montpellier (France) on June 9, 2023.

In this meeting, the Partnership has discussed the next steps that must be carried out for the development of the first module of the online platform, as well as for the organization of the First Teaching Activity with students to be held at the University of Trento. (Italy), from October 24 to 26, 2023. Six students from each of the four universities that are part of Account4GreenEco Project have been selected to participate in this activity, funded by the project.

You can find out about the project on its Twitter and LinkedIn.

The University of Burgos signed an agreement with DIRSE, as associated partner of Account4GreenEco

The University of Burgos signed an agreement with DIRSE, as associated partner of Account4GreenEco

The Spanish Association of Sustainability Managers (DIRSE) and the University of Burgos signed an agreement to reinforce the cooperation between both entities and promote the development of programs of mutual interest related to the profession, training and research on sustainability information.

Sustainability requires reliable information that should be available to the different socioeconomic agents and elaborated through solid scientific and ethical structures, which make visible the connections of ecological and social problems with business and, in this way, promote business responses in the context of the Anthropocene.

The agreement establishes a framework for carrying out joint activities, as well as cooperation in projects and programs of mutual interest in ESG matters, such as training, research or events. In particular, this agreement is proposed as a framework for managing the collaboration of DIRSE as the associated partner of the Erasmus+ Sustainability Accounting Learning Platform for a Green Economy (Account4GreenEco) project, funded by the European Union. The proposal, structured in three years, consists of the development of a dynamic and interactive platform for open online training on sustainability information that will address different issues related to the usefulness, preparation and monitoring of this information for teachers.

DIRSE is the most relevant association of sustainability professionals in Spain and gathers more than 400 members that represent the largest Spanish corporations. As an associated partner of the project, DIRSE will contribute by disseminating the results obtained. Likewise, it will act as a bridge between the academy and ESG professionals for the review of the training materials that are being developed.